Thanks yo! That one seems to be a favorite. I made a cool visualizer for it and put it on youtube for anyone who hasn't heard it yet
>>>smyl3r - MiDNiGHT CHiLD<<<
Here's a new song my friend just made. It's actually really good! Check it out! 140 BPM dubstep btw
>>>Derpex - Banished (To the Moon)<<<
drop is around 0:55 if your impatient
yeah mine were like that too. They are really nice though, I liked them alot. The urethane doesnt chunk and its really slippery which makes power slides fun as hell. Lasts pretty long too
Thanks for the feedback. I agree a raw deck would look good but honestly I'm too lazy even though it's probably alot easier to do than I think...
Bringing it over too
Got some grippers
Edwin grips w/ metal barends
Rad crow bars 23hx20w
Vertx small scs
Fsa pig sealed headset
District v2 deck
Proto striker fork
Proto grippers w/ metal cage bearings