Search results

  1. Ethan_

    cheap pegs

    i would like to know what some of the cheapest pegs are. I will run 2 in the forks which is an smx. How long should the axle be?
  2. Ethan_

    New mX BenJ Friant Pro Model First Look

    ok now
  3. Ethan_

    snapped bars

  4. Ethan_


    Should i raw clamp fork or topcap to match my raw brake please answer
  5. Ethan_


    dye wheels and keep it
  6. Ethan_

    You just landed a prime trick, you're on top of the world, post here.

    180 gturn to fakie nose manny to 180 fs feeb bs 3 fs smith fs feeb bs feeb fs 3 bs smith fakied a manny pad 15 to 20ft long front lips on box fakie whip to fullcab
  7. Ethan_

    Are my bars to short?

    ride 22 h and 5 foot
  8. Ethan_


  9. Ethan_

    Silk - Art Generator

    Two baby heads conjoined together by a thing?
  10. Ethan_

    Silk - Art Generator
  11. Ethan_

    Blunt/Envy King Of Spades deck

    its the same thing as the aos v2 just a different cutout
  12. Ethan_

    Brute Wheels

    Tyler bell has them who i know and they feel pretty solid to me
  13. Ethan_

    AM history vs WRLD history

    Us is boring and world is more fascinating because i dont like america that much because it isnt interesting
  14. Ethan_

    favorite rider

    Monky and maxime legrand
  15. Ethan_

    AM history vs WRLD history

    i really dont like learning about am history because its so boring. thats why i failed the quiz we had in ss. My last 2 years in ss were fine because we didnt learn about am history just wrld. what are your opinions of am history and wrld history and what is better
  16. Ethan_

    Best street setup

    add t bars sliders scs and seniors
  17. Ethan_

    Skate shoes

    yes get the lindens
  18. Ethan_


    Bars and forks black
  19. Ethan_

    Best street setup

    aos reventon district ethic addict thresh or lucky motion
  20. Ethan_


    trade lucky green 4.25 by 20.5 deck for da blue reventon