yea its very civil to hate gay people just because they arent like you. you (and this entire website) out of all people should support gay rights, because we are similar to them in a way. we get hated on for no reason other than we ride scooters, some people support us, some people dont.
just letting you know, finding this funny is blasphemy, and if you commit blasphemy you go to hell with no chance of ever going to heaven.
laugh at your own risk (:<
i <3 boobies was just a way to get kids to donate to breast cancer, and it kinda worked but now its just a trend. i hate when people say they actually care because they wear a wristband, they just want one to look cool.
madd decks feel horrible imo.
get an ultra pro, some district forks, threadless headset, dual 100mm eagles, and a baby scs and you're set. it would cost less than a nitro and ninja, and be half the weight so its great for starting.
lol we cant really debate if theres no legitimate debatable reason from the other side other then "i hate gays, i just do."
maybe matr can provide a reason?
nah we are like atheist trying to get an ignorant christian to see his ignorance. its not working though.
it would be a debate is matr had a reason to hate gay people, but since theres no reason theres not really much of a debate. if he could supply a legit debatable reason that would be nice.
yea dude get hic, having a weak slit that a ton of people break is awesome. you dont want to have that pesky reliability that comes with an scs. even though scs is an overall better compression system, you should still get hic because it looks better.