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  1. M

    MGP Nitro (Review)

    On topic, Someone at my local had a nitro the other day, had to leave before I got to ride it though. It actually looked smaller than what I expected it to be, and it sounded fairly solid. The only thing I don't think I would like is the wider deck (3.8 FTW!). Did you seem to notice/did it...
  2. M

    Someone with connections, read this.

    I've tried, I've asked people around here but they all think it won't happen.
  3. M

    MGP Nitro (Review)

    Fuck your immature. Listen to him, it's his name for fucks sake. Sorry for swearing so much lately, but seriously, you gotta get it across sometimes... EDIT: Zane, you beat me to it :(
  4. M

    Someone with connections, read this.

    Make a fucking decent indoor park in tasmania. It's not fair we have to miss out on all this shizz 'n dingle.
  5. M

    are you ------ serious found this link on MGP forums. ahahahah. Sorry about the double post cbf messing around right now
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    Why are you closing it?
  7. M

    are you ------ serious

    Personally I had nothing against colony, but now i have no respect what so ever for them. What they are doing is a low attempt at getting rid of something else because it is more popular than their strain of sport. It's just low...
  8. M

    wtf ?!?

    Haha, they are making a business out of powder coating. Fairly nice products though
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    I have a feeling your just trying to get more members?
  10. M

    Eye Candy. (do not post your own scooter!)

    Please just stfu about your wheels?
  11. M

    are you ------ serious

    They are just saying that to try and get themselves out of it. That was their intention, but it backfired on them, so now they are trying to say they had different intentions.
  12. M

    Blunt compression

    I still don't get how to put that "anchor bolt" in
  13. M

    Cool Story Bro!

    One day I went on scooter resource and there was a cool story bro thread, so I came up with a cool story to share.
  14. M

    are you ------ serious

    haha page removed. Success! And whoever sent them gay porn, my hero <3 I quote [Colony BMX]: Seems a few people out there got rather upset about our plan to trade in scooters on a BMX purchase. This was never the intention & as such would like to re-launch our program. This promo was aimed...
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    Looks light and practical?
  16. M


    Oh my fucking god, can't you just make one thread and update? And if you want people to ride and test them just fucking give them away to people or something, don't just make a raffle
  17. M

    MGP Problems!

    Having the same problem, basically it's stopping me from buying a new fork. Cause I want to cut it so it looks sex, but then if I break my MGP and get a new one or different deck I can't use it. FML :( Looking at lucky SMX by the way
  18. M

    Best scooter parts

    Fuck sake, I reckon your wheels might have potential, but there is no way in the world they are the best wheels. And, there is already a your scooter thread. Also if your looking for reviews or discussion on parts check the sub sections up the top of the scooter section.
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