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  1. issac p

    Tips/secrets to getting grips of bars?

    ive been using wd-40 to take off and put on grips for about 3 and a half years, and i've never found that it ruins the grips in any way.
  2. issac p

    Tips/secrets to getting grips of bars?

    i use wd-40. get a flathead and slowly slide it under the grip as much as you can. then lift it up a bit to expose the inside of the grip. spray some wd-40 in there, and move the grip around until it becomes really loose, then it will just slide right off. when you put the grips back on, make...
  3. issac p


    $70 for a high 5, and I will give you free crowbars
  4. issac p

    whip to bars

    i would try to learn them flyout or out of a bank. just try to get the whip around fast, then once you catch the whip throw the bar
  5. issac p

    Why do people hate on scootering so much?

    i used to skate, and i rollerbladed for a little while too. I also have been riding bmx for 3.5 years and counting. All the skaters at my nearest local think I am awesome, but its a street style plaza, and I am the only scooter rider there. At another one of my locals, all the skaters hate...
  6. issac p

    Does putting holes in the top of your deck make it easier to snap?

    i dont think putting holes on the top will make it weaker, but holes on bottom will. just dont be a dumbass and put a hole like 3" in diameter right next to the headtube.
  7. issac p

    fuzion stepping it up?

    dazaric, you can edit your post instead of posting a whole new comment.
  8. issac p


    Omg somebody buy my stuff I will include a free telapathic high 5!
  9. issac p

    hurricane sandy

    haha yes. its 80 degrees and perfectly clear skies here in LA.
  10. issac p

    SCOOTER BRAKE SUPER THREAD! All brake questions answered!

    check your local hardware store. home depot, osh, lowes, etc.
  11. issac p

    Sponsorship Thread

    what? so you are going to make your own company that doesnt make any products, just to sponsor yourself?
  12. issac p

    Sponsorship Thread

    you have no idea how hard it is to start and maintain a successful company...
  13. issac p


    fuzion wheels are sold to me :)
  14. issac p


    if i pay you today, can you ship these tomorrow? i want the fuzions
  15. issac p

    You just landed a prime trick, you're on top of the world, post here.

    oh i see. so then i mean revert to 180's are really fun
  16. issac p

    Blunt complete or MGP End Of Days?

    id get a mgp nitro or a district v4 integrated
  17. issac p

    You just landed a prime trick, you're on top of the world, post here.

    i thought a revert was landing in a 180 powerslide on a quarter?
  18. issac p

    Cheapest integrated deck

    dude. its $100 and only a few people have broken one... best deck on the market
  19. issac p


    thats an awesome setup. would be better with black forks though imo
  20. issac p


    an ethic with boxed sides would be badass, and if only it was cheaper -_-