Never ridden them, but I hear they are good for real sketchballs riders, street riders and any other kind of riders. Take ages to wear down and come in stupid sizes (1oo and 1o5mm)
That's gonna suck for all the noob kids who buy the bars separate from somewhere. They'll come on here "My bars are too big, these bars were on the nitro but they must be made for ultra pros"
ahhhhhhhh WTF?
I cringe when I see that, but have no idea how that broke his arm. I was legit messing around outside about 10 mins ago trying to do can can manuals down the driveway and I fell just like that. It only hurt like fuck and made me put an ice-pack on my elbow...
There's this guy at school who wants to fight me, and I know I would kick the shit out of him, but whenever he comes to mouth off and stuff he brings his buddies. If I kick the shit out of him will his buddies all come onto me at the same time and make it an unfair fight?