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  1. humpurple kushiones

    "Critique Me" Thread.

    well uhhh. use a real flower. it would be good if you did that.
  2. humpurple kushiones

    Team Fuzion

    1) its you 2)"fuZion" spelled there own name wrong, so im spelling fusion right. 3)if "fuZion" didnt want us to throw away our REAL scooters, then why did they say "ditch the 2 wheeler" while there is a kid throwing away a perfectly good razor? really stfu cause most people are fed up with...
  3. humpurple kushiones

    Team BS Thread

    dude! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha @ kyle<333 and matt! epic LOL and arent you (steff) the same guy that tried to say that your "reinforcements" are better then pirate reinforcements? (and they dont do anything but make the deck weaker because to have a full deck reinforced you have to take...
  4. humpurple kushiones

    Lock!!!! Scooter of the Month: February Lock!!!!!!!

    Fernando's scooter is seriously THE nicest scooter i have EVER seen in my LIFE!
  5. humpurple kushiones

    Team Fuzion

    That commercial pisses me off so bad im writing it down: commercial starts with a warning: WARNING: THESE INSANE TRICKS ARE ONLY FOR A FUSION SCOOTER! Can it! Ditch the 2 wheeler!( kid throws razor away) its time to go extream! Fusion! 4 wheels is always better then 2 yea! this is...
  6. humpurple kushiones

    Team Fuzion

    you didnt read anything did you. we are helping promote there sport and in the end they MAKE A COMMERCIAL THAT TELLS PEOPLE TO STOP RIDING 2 WHEEL SCOOTERS AND START RIDING FUSION! so dont talk shit if you have no idea what your saying. and the point of getting sponsored is to get free stuff...
  7. humpurple kushiones

    /PROTO Scooters

    jdben please, you cant talk not trying to argue
  8. humpurple kushiones

    BLINK 182!!!!!!!!!!

  9. humpurple kushiones


    lol jdben the currency difference is not his fault. and you cant get buffs in the uk (idk if buff wants to start selling there but for now you cant) and why complain after you get it? you got it, you like it, thats it.
  10. humpurple kushiones

    Yak Metal Cores

    idk im not bumping it. yak f'ed me over and said that they forgot to ship them out on friday and shipped them today and they used the slowest shipping ever and now im getting them on next monday
  11. humpurple kushiones

    yak usa comp 100mm 85a wheels???

    do NOT make 91 a for gods sake. do 86 thats perfect
  12. humpurple kushiones

    [poll] Scooter resource at school

    i go on at school almost every day
  13. humpurple kushiones

    Yak Metal Cores

    yes a legit review <3
  14. humpurple kushiones

    yak usa comp 100mm 85a wheels???

    i will be the only seller i know of. ill have them on wednesday
  15. humpurple kushiones

    The VS GAME is back!

    etnies. orange juice vs any other juice
  16. humpurple kushiones


    but its going to someone that does not mean it and is un-legit
  17. humpurple kushiones

    UPDATE: FS/WTT:Protos and SZ Buffs

    isnt that fork threadless? why is there a compression bolt on it?
  18. humpurple kushiones


    nigga stole his bike
  19. humpurple kushiones


    when you can get them for cheaper and the way the economy is and if your not rich then yes. it is alot