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  1. humpurple kushiones


  2. humpurple kushiones

    Do you wear a helment when you ride?

    trust me i had long hair... wen i shaved it it felt soooooo good
  3. humpurple kushiones

    Scooters at my local.

    i curse them little mo fos out. tell them to gtfo! jk buy yeathey are annoying
  4. humpurple kushiones

    your local park

    umm ill get pics in a day or 2... its small
  5. humpurple kushiones

    Broke my wrist

    holly fucking shit man.... how the fuck did you get on ur roof
  6. humpurple kushiones

    SR store update?

    cause they wont be under the sr name..... everything is the same but the name
  7. humpurple kushiones

    Which grips?

    seasons are good...... i have edwins..... arron ross grips are amazibng
  8. humpurple kushiones

    Got my Scooter Stolen

    umm ill keep an eye out......... what the hell would a black kid want with a scooter
  9. humpurple kushiones

    How tall are you?

    13 high! wtf
  10. humpurple kushiones


    lol im the only one to post a pic. lol
  11. humpurple kushiones

    Trick Confessions

    i thought i was the first to body varial
  12. humpurple kushiones

    A3 fork

    errrr no
  13. humpurple kushiones

    A3 fork

    lol i bent an a3 fork so bad..... i shall get a pic just for you
  14. humpurple kushiones

    Jammin up a Pole Jam?

    umm yea i hate polejams...... i kinda fell and ummmm it kinda hurt LIKE A BITCH! my balls died that day
  15. humpurple kushiones


    dont mesure just free cut