when u spray paint it, do one thin coat at a time, 2-3 times over then clear coat it the same way 2 times and you're good to go! too thick a layer of paint at one go comes off really quickly
I did a green and metallic purple design and clear coated it 2 times... it doesn't chip off, the clear coat gets scratched if i drop my scooter, but just respray it a little and you're good to go!
i think a solid core would be better than spokes. I have a scooter wheel with solid core, though it's looks kinda kiddy cause it lights up when u ride it but it doesn't break easily.
lol, looks interesting to cruise on, but it's be screwed as hell at high speeds... that part with the guy on his mobile and eating ice cream was cool though
no i can't get a pro model here in singapore... it's extremely hard to find a shop that sells razors of any sort... there's only one that sells some micros... and a few that sell scooters w/o a brand
a did a couple of hundred pogos in a day and my scooter didn't break (btw, it's some cheap no brand sort of scooter) and pogos r cool because they r easy and look impressive
I was thinking about getting a new scooter and I came across this one with weird wheels - the Micro Monster Bullet http://www.microscooter.org.uk/micro-scooter-monster-bullet-p-53.html
Is it good?