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  1. S

    Broke two of my fingers:-(

    Me and my cousin were riding last night and I went to stall on the top of a bank. (I do it all the time. extremely easy) Unfortunatly it had been raining earlier so my back wheel lost traction and i went ka-boom. I landed on my right hand with my fingers pointing straight down. I ended up being...
  2. S

    [moved] VS game

    june bug kool aid vs. hawaiian punch
  3. S

    Pay outs???

    When they insult you, just stare at them blankly for approx. 6 seconds. Then say, "The body can be completely drained of blood in 5.2 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems." Then walk away silently. Works everytime. 8)
  4. S

    Your favorite shows

    It's not on anymore but the most amazing show of all time was Firefly. I have the box set. 8):-)
  5. S

    Whats the best Film editing program

    At film school we use Final Cut Pro. Of course, if you don't have a mac, that doesn't do you much good. :-( EDIT: First post. :D