180 without leaving ground?? saw Kc do it at TIC


ther powerslides arnt they... and omg i did a like 2 metre long ses slide on my scooter it looked so funny on camera.. :)
i did such slopy double whips at xw into the fun box with the hand rail that i power slid cuz i landed side ways !amazed . but yeah i can do these if i have some room . i tryed them in my grage and ran stright into a garbage can
just ask james aka jj :D

Kc Corning

Bronze member
I was influenced by Mantarlos, or what ever there called. fell in love with that sort of style, and now deleiver it in alot of my style today.


wtf smoothie? fakie roll out? its just a tire slide or slider man smoothie is like a drink isnt it?

oh kc i thought you started doing them cause dan montgomery was doing them at woody and you was like dammn that sweet man! am i right or wrong?