1st scooter store in GLENDALE

its randy from build a bike in glendale rite now I'm so close to almost having scooters in the shop I've just got to convince my boss the rest of the way. if so let me imo if u would. come and way I should get tell every1 to post. so far I have district.blunt.eagle.proto.madd.phantom.pro comp.lucky.and almost razor. so the more ppl who reply the easier it'll be. thanks and ill keep u posted.


Steel Member
i remember spending a couple hours at the shop trying to make this happen and we had everything, and bam, the answer was no, im so stoked on this
Finally getting parts in the shop forsure, and i am gonna be ordering tomorrow, so please post of stuff you would like to get thanks.

for shop contact info please contact Randy at
6036. N 43rd ave.
Glendale AZ, 85301
I ordered some blunt district n eagle stuff as well phantom wheels today and tomorrow will order some phoenix I still am in the process of gettin companies and product I won't have a lot at the beginning but as every1 finds out and comes in I can get more and more.I hope every1 is willing to help get the word out cuz that will mean that the someday soon be a store that has it all for the scooter lovers and no1 will have to wait again and u can see the product be4 getting it. It will take time but just give me the chance. Thanks randy
yeah we hav a website but not with scooter stuff yet since we jus got into it the website is for the bike shop the scooter stuff is just the begining to a new chapter of our spot. if ppl like scootering as much as i believe you all do the more ppl that know and buy stuff will allow me to grow the scooter section. it has already kick off good thanks to gaston and thomas but the more that come the more i can bring in. 1 day i hope to have it like scooter zone but for now it is a small start to something unknown.