2008 - 2009 snowboarding season thread

Ok heres my new snowboard box!!





16in tall
16in wide
10 feet long

Ply wood
2 by 4's
alluminum coping
sheet of sheet metal for the top

If anyone wants the plans/instructions i can tell them.
Pics were with cell phone.
I made a drop in off the side of my trampoline which should be good.


Buffalo just got 2 feet of snow, almost too much snow to hit any street stuff without having to shuvvel out a shitload of snow.
AuSTin KomloDi said:
Stevens and snoqualmie arent even open up here yet..its gonna be a really shitty year for snowboarding in WA

i think you spoke to soon...

snoqualmie and stevens are open now and look at all the snow on the ground down here. its like 11 inches here. theres probably a bunch up in the pass.


chandler olsen said:
AuSTin KomloDi said:
Stevens and snoqualmie arent even open up here yet..its gonna be a really shitty year for snowboarding in WA

i think you spoke to soon..

snoqualmie and stevens are open now and look at all the snow on the ground down here. its like 11 inches here. theres probably a bunch up in the pass.

I said that like two weeks ago when we had no snow in the pass or down here.
So no, i didnt speak too soon.

Anyways, going tomorrow for the first time this season. Pumped.


Steel Member
Tom Borsari said:
im going skiing saturday :)
and btw, skiing DOES count in this thread because......
i am perty beast at it
and i can tailblock on a board better than most kids on this site

so no one can give me shit xD
sweeet :D
some people are just immature


Steel Member
first day back relearned front and back boards, switch front boards, switch 5050 front180 out. front board 270 out. 5050 to switch.

I broke the rail too. cause im a bear.


Steel Member
Sick set-up. I will have one similar to that when i am finished setting it up. Can't wait to sesh with it.
yesterday at creek threw my back out on a small ass jump cuz i was stupod didot brace for mpact so my lower back that i fucked up last year learnign rodeo 7s fucked again hoping it will be better by the 26th


Steel Member
Sam Shields said:
Freddy + Dan where do you guys live?

How close to creek?
Highland Park, Nj.....it's a tiny town right next to Edison and Piscataway.
We are 1 hour and 15 minutes from Creek.