Why are you (Kano) asking how to do 360 bri's when you previously made a thread about scooterflipping...I think that you have the logical order messed up or something, because BEFORE you learn 360 bri's shouldn't you first get scooterflips and bri's really consistant? I have also been noticing that you seem to be making a ton of "how do you do this trick" threads lately, and I think that the best way to learn tricks is to follow your own advice instead of other people's, because everybody has a different way of doing tricks. I used to be a trick thread whore, and I've learned through experience that any other person's way of doing a trick is not always your way, and if you keep following exactly what other people say, then you won't (I can guarantee you this) have any defined style of your own. And, just letting you know, I'm not trying to bring you down here, I'm just trying to help you ok?