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Silver Member
Just wow christian.
I can't believe you, that is so, so un-professional.
You are quitting this business as soon as felix gets his forks right? Because if not, i'm highly suggesting that you get rid of it before its too late.
That is the worst, poorest excuse for anything that i've ever seen...
You deserve a lifetime ban, pity its not a rule that if you fail in general you get banned..


Silver Member
Ok, christian, this is for the good everyone that i do this.

You are breaking a federal business law, and i'm stating it for everyone to see, you can be pressed for criminal charges, but i'm sure no one will do that.

Source of information :

When am I entitled to a refund?

Under the law, you are entitled to a refund, exchange or repair if something you bought:

* is faulty or defective and you were not aware of it
* does not do the job you were led to believe it would do
* does not match a sample you were shown or
* was not as described on the box or in an advertisement

Businesses do not have to give you a refund if:

* you can't prove that you bought it (eg. you don't have a receipt).
* you change your mind about it
* you have damaged it or
* you knew or should have known about a fault when you bought it (eg. factory seconds)

You've broken 3 of the 4 laws that constitute you giving a FULL refund.

So this is just a heads up, if jackson wanted to, he COULD press criminal charges on you christian, i'd start to consider your options carefully.
It could be alot more than the business that is shut down.
Which by the way.. Do you have an ABN or Registered business number?


lol even if it did bend in the mail how the hell would they hold up with someone bending it and youre saying you would sell a dodgy fork to someone else?


Christian Mesa, You deserve to be shot. I can't believe you have done this? If you decide to make a shop you have to be legit and give refunds to people who recieved damaged products. You're now officially the most hated on SR.
i dont care if the whole sr community hates me tbh. half of u guys act all tuff etc on here i dont care. guys drop the subject he is getting a full refund


Are you going to post him the money straight up, or will he have to wait another 2 months?

Btw, You do TRY and act tough, for example the last quote in my sig.


You don't deserve for the damaged forks to be posted back, after all the trouble you've caused you should send him the money and another pair of forks, Some dude on SR snapped his micro head tube so they sent him 3 reinforced headtubes back to him with no cost. You can't just expect people to be happy when they've waited 2 months to get a pair of damaged forks and than another 2 months to get a refund. You fucking disgrace me.
dude. micro are a major company. im a 15 year old boy who goes to school 5 days a week and on occasion goes to church. (go on tease me idc) so just leave it be ive talked to jackson
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