Always In Motion Scooters


BahahVvahAKLxgdf.kzvhgis. j.LMKXV,HJAHHHHH/}!!!!aHHHAHHA/!!!!! OMG!!!!! AHH!!!! ME MAKE ME BARS NOW!!!!!! plz:) hahah jk jk ill wait

Ps. you should let me test them out :)

Mike Montgomery

Mike Montgomery
Marcus I am still working on getting the money. I had it all but i forgot that i need to pay 20 to get into the jam. so i am hoping that my parents will give me money for the bars. =/
lol that might not be fair unless mike is up for it

i could also sell to James cause he has the exact same dimensions...but we'll see for mike.
yeah, i figured you'd want them....

if i get a few more orders other than James, Edgar and Devin, I'll probably make them sooner and faster than now.

lol, mike, list any parts you might want to part with IF you don't get the cash in time.