anger problemos

i throw my scooter alot. and thats why my parts break :( and i regret it instantly after i throw it. i need help on controlling my anger, i just wanna stop throwing my baby.


Steel Member
haha same thing happend to me, you don't even want to know how many wheels, decks, and bars I've broke through anger. I stopped by just forcing myself not to, and if I'm really angry, go to he nearest "thing" that won't break, and harass it instead of your scooter. Another way that helps is, right before you throw your scooter, just think about the consequences; you won't be able to scooter anymore, since your scooter will be broken, and that would suck. Just practice restraining yourself and you'll be good.
yeah i do that! i think of the consequences and stuff. and thats a good idear too.

@ micheal chavez
lmaaaooooo im trying ;D


Bronze member
when ever im pissed i get like i m gunna throw it then i think and just hold it up in the air


I have anger problems too. People at my local pick on me alot because I am 13 and there like 16. One day I snapt and grabed my scooter, and threw it at the cunt. Served him right.


Bronze member

carry this with you at all times just incase


Steel Member
On the off chance that I do throw mine, as soon as it leaves my fingertips I'm like "nooooooooooooooooooooooooo".
Just think about what you're doing wrong and why you can't land the trick.

Tyler Jones

Take that anger, harness it, and land the trick. Take a bad thing and make it good. Some people can ride better when they're angry.