Apex scs problems!

I have apex scs a sacrifice hyper headset and Phoenix phorx

I can't tighten the scs, which is brand new and I have head rock (the bars wobble backwards and forwards).
I have tried getting more leverage on the Allan key but it hasn't worked and I'm scared to round the compression bolt. Also my bars make a creaking noise sometimes when I'm landing tricks etc... All of these things make my scooter terribly Undialed, which I hate.

Any tips? Help would be much appreciated!

Hamish C

Steel Member
Well you need spacers then, the fork tube has to be shorter than the lip in the middle of the scs for it to tighten, just stick some spacers on your forks then put the scs on top and once the fork tube is shorter than the lip in the middle of the scs you can put in your top cap and tighten it