Aussie General Thread?


Silver Member
Yay, I'm not gonna be the only one in town with a scooter made of ass!

Mauley will be giving me his scooter to setup with a whole bunch of parts I helped him buy. Should be funnnn. :)

But I still gotta wait till monday for my Green Knucks. D:


Jarrad Smith (Gen Y)
Hahahahahahahah i remember.

Jason: Don't forget to take the old griptape off
Mauley: How do i do that?

Hahahhaha, something along those lines. Ahah.
Fuck this
Im thinking of leaving home
everytime i do the most minor things, what happens, i get fucking grounded...
Im perfect at school for like 4 weeks while im grounded, ask for a little freedom, 2 more weeks!!
so yer, im trying to find a place to stay.... Ive had enough of it, its been going on for like 4 years now
Im overrrrrr itt!!


Steel Member
Shut up.
Leaving home won't solve anything.
Talk to your parents honestly about how you're feeling.

Thats seriously the best thing you can do.
I had the same issues for a while.
And really think about it, what will going somewhere else solve?


Shut the fuck up Tom. Not too long ago you were having a little bitch about everything. Everyone knows your gonna grow up to be a serial killer after you bottle up all the hate you get and release it on society one day at a college or high school.

Ben, like 2 years ago i went through the same thing. I went to counselling for 8 weeks. Was pretty devo.
Parents took refuge in the thought that they were doing the right thing. They werent, the counsellor corrected them.
They been alright now. I can tell them to shut the fuck up if i want to and they say lets just relax and sort things out peacefully, and it often works.

You HAVE to talk to your parents. Thats what i did, resulted in counselling and its pretty sweet now


Well Dean, thats a load of shit, Funny because i have been at High School now for 3 years and i havnt done shit. Im not gonna do anything stupid like that. Whats the point, kill someone, go to jail?

Seriosuly, dont go making stupid predictions like that.
yer, and theve fucked me around a bit
they got a divorce when i was in like kindergarden
I went to counciling for like a year
8 years after they divorced they say, hey lets get backtogether
my life was perfect untill they got back together
than my dad turned into a total cunt
Oh and hears a example on how much im grounded
ive been riding since January 08
ask Zack/Scott ive been grounded HALF that time to now
soo fucked