Australian Scooters


Super Geek
Staff member
Gary said:
Aussie Scoots will be 10x better!

1. it involves alot more Aussie riders
2. People have progressed heaps more so its gonna be way better
3. the vid is gonna go for 3 hours! lol Phil you up for that?
... and will still fit in my 50gb hosting easily.
well me and my no camera situation is pretty gay..and mite cuase a little bit of havick!!

I get it back from overseas soon,Ill start filming then..
hey man maby dis weekend we can start filmin ill bring me cameras and get fotty of u and shit gary come along to i want to get some footy of u too
All Aus riders that can provide me with High Quality footage( not like HD) just not of a fucking phone or something!

Edit..Im uploading a quick thinng i made for a Aus Scooters 2 Preview!
Shit but ehh!