i was pissed i bought my scs a week before the baby's came out. but i like my regular scs just as much because its blue and ima have an all black setup with blue cores and scs, everything else black. it gonna be niceee
you guys don't have to f bomb me but i hear from a very reliable source that these go loose (like a lot more then a regular scs) but don't do not take my word for it because i never rode one
Andrew and the whole team rides them, I'm guessing you're talking about Jon? I haven't heard of any of the other team members having problems, and there is no reason for them to get loose cause it's just a sized down version. If it gets loose for you, crank it down harder, and use loctite.
I don't get the point of not making it compatible with 1-3/8 bars its kinda why i want a scs.
Getting a spacer(s) rather than cutting it would be best IMO.