Barack Obama 44th President of the United States of America


___ Alex _____ said:
if u want me to tell u how i feel bout it
every word i wood say wood efend any blk person ever.
and prolby every 1 as well .
no comment.
Well my best guess is that you are an uneducated bigot fuck, judging by your shallow and overly prejudiced opinions and also the fact that your typing is almost as easy to comprehend as a murphy post.


Steel Member
obama is--- legit
bush chaney and rumpsfeld need to be tried as war criminals
for all you that think torture is ok well one reson we went to war was torture, and our contry went to face and tortured them, which went against many treties we have singed
and for all the people that don't like him get over yourself because he is he president and for this nation to servive he needs our support


Alex Steezeman said:
The dude is way better than Bush, and that's really good. You guys need to stop complaining about gun control, it's safer when people don't all have guns, look at all the countries that have harsher gun control laws. As for abortion, there are some conditions where it's better to have an abortion, no questions about it. Sure it's bad if people are just having them cause they're idiots and don't wrap their tool, but I'm pretty sure not many people support abortion in that aspect.

I disagree. Switzerland, yes peace loving neutral Switzerland, requires that all able bodied males 20-42 keep a handgun or rifle in their house. The Swiss have a drastically lower murder and armed violent crime rate while England, which has totally banned handguns all together has an incredibly high murder rate, four times the number of robberies and twice the number of rapes per year than Switzerland If you were planning on shooting up a school or murdering a family wouldn't you feel a little safer if there was a sign outside that said "gun free zone."

The key is discretion. Background checks, keeping guns out of people convicted of crimes before, psychiatric analysis.
99% of Americans aren't nut jobs who are intent on murder, rape or armed robbery. In the wrong hands guns are a terrible weapon. In the right they are for sport and self defense.
Let's focus on keeping them out of the wrong hands

Don't anyone flame me, just stating what I believe

Edit: to Matt FTW
torture wasn't one reason we went to war. We went to Afghanistan to break up al-Qaeda
We went to war in Irag because we thought we had evidence that there were WMD's. Now whether there actually were or whether Sadaam sent them up north to Syria the fact is we didn't find any. However we overthrew a murderous regime, but I think we've overstayed our welcome there and need to pull out soon.

Coercive interrogation was used to stop an attack in New York on the anniversary of 9/11 now we shouldn't just go around torturing any suspected terrorist however the President and the President ONLY should have the power to order coercive interrogation on a suspected terrorist.
Waterborting is not torture
dude wtf how can you even think about agreeing with ppl banning guns
wtf are ppl like me who live in ghetto areas gonna do?
do you think that banning guns is gonna keep criminals from getting them???
yea right it just makes us easier targets
open up your mind come one now


are you talking to me? I don't agree with banning guns read my post on the previous page
what you said is exactly one of the reasons I stated i support gun ownership

sweet, good thing i'm over 18 and voted. obama can't take away your guns, he doesn't have the power, so i don't know why you're even talking about this. but since you brought it up- since when is it your right as a human to own a gun? ownership of a firearm is not a basic human right.

Shelby Grimnes said:
Obama is taking away our country's morals.

No Guns?
Pro Abortion
Pro Gay Marriage

pretty crappy.

again, where the hell are you all getting no guns from? he's a democratic politician, of course he's pro choice. personally, i'm pro life, but if you think ANY president is going to try to change that you know nothing about politics. also, the president himself doesn't have the power to change that. do you forge that bush was pro life and abortion is still legal? if you have a problem with gay marriage than you're just a bigot.


1. the right to bare arms(guns are arms)
so yea you dont know too much about america if you dont know your own rights
2. im pro choice cuz idk if anyone else on here has thought they got someone pregnant when they were under 18 but it fucken sucks you pretty much think your life is over and if she is pregnant and your not a rich ass your life pretty much is over unless your fucked enough to leave her
if its pro choice they dont have to tell their parents and if you were in her situation you wouldnt want to tell your parents either
3i dont want fags to marry eachother cuz i dont want my sons to think its alright to suck dick
and i dont want to be asked when im filling shit out if im married to a man or women wtf
thats what is going to happen if gays can get married
thank god they didnt get their way

go ahead talk all your shit you want its not changing my opinion this thread is fucken stupid and you mods need to realize all these politic thread do is turn scooter riders against other scooter riders we all ride fucken scooter so why make more reasons for ppl to hate eachother
keep the SCOOTER resourse about scooters and not about fags, guns and the new president thats what the news is for
tanner markley said:
dude wtf how can you even think about agreeing with ppl banning guns
wtf are ppl like me who live in ghetto areas gonna do?
do you think that banning guns is gonna keep criminals from getting them???
yea right it just makes us easier targets
open up your mind come one now
Nobody is banning guns. Not everyone needs a gun. There should be stronger restrictions on them and more extensive background checks, and go ahead and ban assault weapons, who the hell needs that?

jules said:
Alex Steezeman said:
The dude is way better than Bush, and that's really good. You guys need to stop complaining about gun control, it's safer when people don't all have guns, look at all the countries that have harsher gun control laws. As for abortion, there are some conditions where it's better to have an abortion, no questions about it. Sure it's bad if people are just having them cause they're idiots and don't wrap their tool, but I'm pretty sure not many people support abortion in that aspect.

I disagree. Switzerland, yes peace loving neutral Switzerland, requires that all able bodied males 20-42 keep a handgun or rifle in their house. The Swiss have a drastically lower murder and armed violent crime rate while England, which has totally banned handguns all together has an incredibly high murder rate, four times the number of robberies and twice the number of rapes per year than Switzerland If you were planning on shooting up a school or murdering a family wouldn't you feel a little safer if there was a sign outside that said "gun free zone."

The key is discretion. Background checks, keeping guns out of people convicted of crimes before, psychiatric analysis.
99% of Americans aren't nut jobs who are intent on murder, rape or armed robbery. In the wrong hands guns are a terrible weapon. In the right they are for sport and self defense.
Let's focus on keeping them out of the wrong hands

Don't anyone flame me, just stating what I believe

Edit: to Matt FTW
torture wasn't one reason we went to war. We went to Afghanistan to break up al-Qaeda
We went to war in Irag because we thought we had evidence that there were WMD's. Now whether there actually were or whether Sadaam sent them up north to Syria the fact is we didn't find any. However we overthrew a murderous regime, but I think we've overstayed our welcome there and need to pull out soon.

Coercive interrogation was used to stop an attack in New York on the anniversary of 9/11 now we shouldn't just go around torturing any suspected terrorist however the President and the President ONLY should have the power to order coercive interrogation on a suspected terrorist.
Waterborting is not torture
1st bold - No we didn't. We knew they had nothing. You are being lied to.

2nd bold - Why not just say, "Saddam is a bad guy, we're going to send in a few hundred troops to get him to step down, and once he is gone we will let them rebuild their government". But no, what do we do? We invade and go through with debathification, then we dismantle their army and essentially put the city under martial law. When we first went over there, they loved us. Then the mass looting started and everyone turned against us because we ruined their country, thus an actual war started. If we would have let the Baths rebuild their government, seeing as most joined the party out of fear and were not loyal to Saddam, and let their military have some power, it would have been successful and it would have worked. But no, we fuck everything up, then let Rumsfeld handle it all. We let them appoint college students to do jobs like reroute the traffic routes for the city. You have Bremer over there who has no foreign policy experience at all and has no idea what he's doing. So what now? The country hates us. If they wanted us there, why are they still shooting at us and why have they been for years? If we would have been transparent about our intent and not lied and manipulated false evidence, it would have worked.

3rd bold - No they shouldn't. Torture does not work. We have tortured countless people into taking credit for things they had no part in. When your family's life is threatened and you're being brutally beat, you will say whatever. This has been proven over and over.

4th bold - Let me come waterboard you for a few hours to the point where you're about to suffocate. Let me know how that feels.
wtf is waterborting

and how the fuck do you know that we didnt have evidence he had weapons??
pretty sure you havent even graduated high school yet i highly doubt you know shit about our govt secrets
what reason does he have to put our country into war for absolutely wtf is wrong with your head he was the president why the fuck would he do something like that obviously hes not some random redneck that likes to blow shit up he knows his shit
i dislike obama but if he says that someone has weapons and puts us into war im gonna believe they have weapons he obviously knows his shit if he got elected

you have a democrat based mind and dont even think about the other side of things seriously your not the smartest person on this website stop thinking it
i know im not but i know ive taken a lot more govt and economic classes in college than you have
Danny Warwick said:
tanner markley said:
dude wtf how can you even think about agreeing with ppl banning guns
wtf are ppl like me who live in ghetto areas gonna do?
do you think that banning guns is gonna keep criminals from getting them???
yea right it just makes us easier targets
open up your mind come one now
Nobody is banning guns. Not everyone needs a gun. There should be stronger restrictions on them and more extensive background checks, and go ahead and ban assault weapons, who the hell needs that?

i completely agree
but its not exactly hard to get ahold of a gun so theres no point to any of this shit look at the weed its illegal to buy/sell weed look at america theres a different connect on every block

i could go buy a gun off some random guy right now think about how easy it is for criminals theres no point even bothering with guns their to protect

anyone should be able to own a shotgun thats 18 and up though that needs to stay
who the fuck is gonna use a shotgun to rob someone you cant conceal a shotgun


to Danny warwick


there are the facts, Most of the world, even Iran saw evidence of WMD

2. American soldiers mass looting in Irag? I don't know where you heard that. Anyway the fact is Saddam Hussein killed thousands of innocent civilians in his own country so his removal from power is hardly a bad thing. Now I agree with you that we have spent too long and spent too much on this war. It was waged incredibly ineffectively in the beginning without the decisive strike that was needed. Only since after the surge have things really started to settle somewhat over there. The US is handing parts of Iraq back to Iraqi forces and we are beginning to come closer to being able to pull out of there.

3. lol as I research this I see more and more people discounting torture as a method to obtain information, although these are only people posting on blogs and the like with opinions etc I do find theirs and your points appealing. Now obviously it has the potential to be unreliable but so does any other inetrrogation method, I simply don't feel that the use of torture should be discounted against terrorists (not soldiers, or law abiding citizens) in all circumstances. There are so many hypothetical situations that people throw around advocating and discrediting torture that it is hard to judge its effectiveness until actual data is released.

4. Our special forces troops are subject to waterboarding to prepare them for psychological rigors of enemy interrogation and capture. Waterboarding is not cuting a finger off or shocking people with electrodes, hell yea it's incredibly uncomfortable but it doesn't cause lasting physical damage.

edit: to tannar, waterboarding is an interrogation technique that simulates drowning to obtain information (it is not actual drowning), and I love threads like this because I love to talk politics, this is in the Discuss anything section not scooters lol

again don't hate i'm just saying what I believe
thanks im sick of these democrats and their pussy ass way of solving shit
the democratic party gets the lower class votes for a reason... MOST of them are pussys and cant do shit them selves and complain because things arent "fair" to them

try living in a city that was top 10 for most illegal immagrants in the US you guys will see things differently
fucken legit post im agreeing with you on just about everything you said if not everything
mad respect man one of the few ppl who actually gets their facts strait before posting their annoying opinion without thinking
sean kane also he looks like he knows his shit just has a completely different view of things than me but i understand he lives on the complete other side of the country and has a whole different situation i gotta admit i might think of things differently if it wasnt for living in LA with a bunch of fucken stupid fucks who dont speak english and complain cuz they couldnt graduate high school, not to mention the annoing fagget homos in hollywood

Matt Dibble

Staff member
tanner markley said:
and how the fuck do you know that we didnt have evidence he had weapons??
pretty sure you havent even graduated high school yet i highly doubt you know shit about our govt secrets


seriously your not the smartest person on this website stop thinking it
i know im not but i know ive taken a lot more govt and economic classes in college than you have

Tanner, seriously, Danny is definitely one of the most politically informed people on this website. I've seen it happen so many times before on here, people give him shit for his age and he will come back with a stronger argument than them.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
tanner markley said:
wtf is waterborting
Waterboarding is a form of torture consisting of immobilizing the victim on his or her back with the head inclined downwards, and then pouring water over the face and into the breathing passages.

from wikipedia. yea alex i think its torture.


Yea dude, I dont know. I dont want to come on here..and just see one side of things. I like to see how everyone feels about something. Its not fair to just see things one sided. So i like seeing both sides of everything.