Barack Obama 44th President of the United States of America

ya jordan is right
and yea matt how would we have solved the terrorism problem we had with words??
stupidest thing ive ever heard
the flew a plane into a building do you think if we sat them down and gave them a good talk they would say sorry?? god your stupid
we have to return the favor and fuck their shit up
if someone punches you wut r u gonna do sit there and say im sorry you feel mad but lets just be friends dont punch me again :)
yea u probably think that way

we have to do exactly wut they did to us
the ppl we were torturing probably killed a lot of ppl and deserve it anyways
some of you guys are pussys on the real


tanner markley said:
ya jordan is right
and yea matt how would we have solved the terrorism problem we had with words??
stupidest thing ive ever heard
the flew a plane into a building do you think if we sat them down and gave them a good talk they would say sorry?? god your stupid
we have to return the favor and fuck their shit up
if someone punches you wut r u gonna do sit there and say im sorry you feel mad but lets just be friends dont punch me again :)
yea u probably think that way

we have to do exactly wut they did to us
the ppl we were torturing probably killed a lot of ppl and deserve it anyways
some of you guys are pussys on the real
An eye for an eye makes the world blind.


BST Moderator
Staff member
Some dude wore a shirt saying "Obama is my Slave!", he got badly messed up by some black dudes, teehee

In my opinion I think he will benifit America alot, but the expectations are way too high! a lot of people don't know that change takes time, and it can't be rushed!


Forest Etter said:
ok for one there against guns. And im a seriuos hunter. All they want is money and taxes to go up. They are for lots of things that are against religons.

1. where did obama say he was going to take away peoples guns?
2. the vast majority of people in this country are going to get a tax BREAK from obamas economic plan. taxes are going down.
3. how are democrats against religion? i mean, besides the separation of church and skate. something set up by the founding fathers of this country.

people like you are the reason i assume all republicans are either uneducated hicks or greedy millionaires. please answer my questions before you say anything else in this thread, i'd appreciate it.

Matt FTW said:
and bush is a illleterat prick

Matt FTW said:
invloed treties istead of nuckes illleterat demercrates

yea their lowering the taxes only to raise them for rich people im not rich but how fair is it to tax someone who has more money than you ???
jealousy right there
tanner markley said:
yea their lowering the taxes only to raise them for rich people im not rich but how fair is it to tax someone who has more money than you ???
jealousy right there
if you get more out of this country, you should put more back in. greed otherwise.

besides, what else do you do when you have a 10+ trillion dollar debt?


i feel good about him, to me, he is the new kennedy.
i just hope that things dont turn out the way they did with kennedy.