Bay Creek Day Edit


Steel Member
haha he had just started riding so he didn't have much to offer for filming but he has gotten a lot better since then!


Silver Member
So many questions.
Why was steady shot on?
Why did he do a flat manual in a line?
Why did he try to get a lens hit?
Why is the lens wet?
If its raining why is everyone in a t shirt?
Why are there 3 obese people in a small car listening to rap music infront of a skatepark?


Steel Member
Because Georgia is fucking crazy. We'll work on not riding in the rain.
The weird line is due to most of my buddies that ride just started riding less than a year ago and they do weird things haha. This video was more of a joke than anything. They begged me to put it up.


Bronze member
i dont know if this makes sense but the video had a good vibe
edit:didnt see that but someone agree's with me