Bent bars any way to bend them back

i have tryed everything;by hand by foot i even put them and viscrips and tryed to hammer them
i was doing 180 whips into a small qurtar and i landed funny and they bent is there any way to bend them back
or should i jusst buy some new ones?
dre i think thats how you bend bars...not bend them back <(^^)>

well my method put holes in my grips but it isent anything to bad

grab your bars by the steer tube and smash the crossbar on somthing like a rail


Steel Member
if u bent the crossbars, put ir on a vise, tight it well.. then pull the steer till the crossbar is straight again =]


I own SR.
If you can afford new bars do that but if not put it in a bench vise and slide a larger tube over them and bend them back until they are straight. It will weaken it a little but if that's all you have it will work.


what i did was i put my bars (the top) on a flat surface (so the welds didnt come understress when i was hammering)i smack the fucck out of it, made sure it was straight with a ruler and then I got this steel rod and hammered it in there. ive had them for about a year and a bit and they havnt bent at all
if you bend them back it weakens them.

if they are steel, and you wanted to keep the strength, you would have to heat it up to a workable temp (red hot to yellow color) and then bend them back carefully.

let them cool off in the air, dont put water on them or anything or you will quench it and make the bars brittle.

aluminum, youre not really going to be able to do much to help them, if they are bent they are fucked.

just buy a new pair or live with it haha.


if u bend them back thell be weaker and bend back

u should get wees they just came out with some new nice ones u should look into some of those


y bend them back bent bars doesnt really effect your performance on the scooter

i say eat some concrete lol