Best Bars available in Aus

I dont know why i didnt say these.
It's just a small company, but there fucking legit.
Havnt bent mine yet, had them since December.
I really recommend these. Lots of options, and fine price too.

Zane, what colour do they come in? Im guessing they come raw, black or white, coz they dont give you an option for colours?
oh right. yeh im gunna buy some soon. my wee's are getting to small :'(
my dad used to be a mechanic and done spray jobs on cars. so ill get him to do it for me.
Thanks for the help man.
get some mutts snarl bars, there made of the same steel as BMX frames- 4130 Chrome Moly. there 150 bucks from skaterHQ.
other than that id probly say seasoned savage bars there 160 bucks off skaterHQ.
dont get the really cheap 25 dollar ones off ebay. there really shit i broke em in like an hour.


Keepin' Peace
Staff member
^lol, nearly all bars are 4130 chrome moly, christ you make it sound so special.
Dont get mutts, there fucking terrible, and for $150 you can get some wayyyy better bars.
And if your getting Seasoneds dont get them of SkaterHQ, you could save like $20 - $40 if you just buy them of the Seasoned website.

Matteus Scoot MGP

Bronze member
defenetly dont get sesonds my mate bought a pair and two bays later we compared it to a banana and it was bent more

i could make you a pair of Sema4 Scooters "Gus" bars there gusseted and hella strong