best t-shirt you have eva had.


Steel Member
No way dude, this is the best shirt out.



This one. I just bought it about a year ago. Still wear it regularly. I'll get a picture of mine soon but for now here's it right from the website.


Stackson Manzus
hahaha thats the funniest shirt ever. im russian . what are we gonna do tonight. nothing..sit at home. at home? hah so funny my parents would kill me if i had this
Brock May said:
KyleTolentino. said:
my favorite is the one with the picture of your mom on it.
i'm wearing it right now as i jizz in my pants.

Why come onto this site, and post something just to get hated on? Why? Its not funny, or witty. Your just a straight up dumb fuck.
sukkk my whole dickkkk.

The Batman

Steel Member
Staff member
KyleTolentino. said:
Brock May said:
KyleTolentino. said:
my favorite is the one with the picture of your mom on it.
i'm wearing it right now as i jizz in my pants.

Why come onto this site, and post something just to get hated on? Why? Its not funny, or witty. Your just a straight up dumb fuck.
sukkk my whole dickkkk.
good ol dummmmmmm fuck :D
my trickle down shirts.
money goes to a good cause, and they look good.
haha, even though i got 2 of the same shirts, but oh well:)

edit: the shirt im wearing in the picture is also a trickle down.