You: hello
Stranger: hi
Stranger: wher u from
You: arizona, you?
Stranger: INDIA
You: Nicee
You: im so bored, this is my 1st time on this site haha
Stranger: me too
Stranger: just heard froma freind abt this site
Stranger: male or female?
You: female, you?
Stranger: male
Stranger: ur age
You: 12
You: you?
Stranger: reverse
Stranger: 21
Stranger: are u using PC
or PDA
You: hahahaha cool
You: PDA, hbu?
Stranger: PC
You: whata mooing? hahaha my firends and i say moo instead of do. its so funny
Stranger: wat are ur future plans
You: future plans? um, hangout with friends at mall i guess, hbu?
Stranger: me to doing same at time being
You: what are your past plans? hahhaha jkin, get it? like past
Stranger: I graduated this year
Stranger: in IT
You: IT?
Stranger: info technology==computers
You: ohh cool beans, i love compuiters
Stranger: cool
Stranger: ever1 loves computers
You: yeah, i start 7th grade next year and im in a computer class, i hope its really fun and theres some cute boiiis
Stranger: haha
Stranger: y rite now there arent ant?
Stranger: *any cute boys?
You: well there all shorter then me and dumb
Stranger: haha
Stranger: do hate INDIAN's
Stranger: do u hate indians
Stranger: ?
You: like cowboy kind? or your kind?
You: or are they the same
Stranger: they are same
You: hates a mean word, so no i dont hate them
You: i just dislike them
You: nigger