You: YO
You: wuzzumahnigguh?
Stranger: yo?
You: XD
Stranger: he?
Stranger: apaaan sih
Stranger: bahasa mana tuh? ga ngerti wkakaakk
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: yeah.
Stranger: tell me a secret
You: i ride scooters.
You: well thats not realy a secret...
You: but yeah.
You: hello
Stranger: hello
You: fuck you too.
You: nevermind
You: XD
Stranger: lol
Stranger: I forgive you
You: =[]
Stranger: cool, I used to ride scooters
You: really?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: like those kid ones, not legit ones
You: lol
You: i ride them legit ;]
Stranger: very nice
You: lol but i live in oklahoma so theres only like 3 riders
You: got to go nightbye