yeaaaaaaaaaaa i cant even tell you how hyped i am!!!!
if theres anything i can do tommy let me know, i'll def be putting some stuff on IS about this. Can't wait.
Tommy u forgot to mention smoking the crack
can i come??? haha
tommy how far away do you live from the park?? and how much longer you think until we get some more details??
Soon as we can figure out some tentative dates that would be sick, I have myself (the main attraction) as well as a few other riders from minnesota that are for sure coming out, and if you are lucky enough you can come to the aftercomp party at our hotel room.
he lives in libertyville right outside Chicago so about 1 and a half hours I do bElieve
It's only 50 minutes from the park actually. Josh, I'm heading up there tomarrow and I'll talk to Neil again. He mentioned that we could figure out the exact date this weekend, so I'll tell him to pick a day at the end of June.
It's only 50 minutes from the park actually. Josh, I'm heading up there tomarrow and I'll talk to Neil again. He mentioned that we could figure out the exact date this weekend, so I'll tell him to pick a day at the end of June.
this skatepark is in milwakuee right? theres a 75% chance ill be there soo pumpeeed
Yeah it is a really nice park, super smooth. If theres a possibility of you guys getting out there you should make it for sure, its well worth it.