Big Whips

Parker AZ

Bronze member
Can't half cab tailwhips be called big whips. Because on a skateboard half cab kickflips are called big flips and half cab shuv-its are called big spins.

Parker AZ

Bronze member
idk was just riding with some skaters today and they were doin big spins. so i thought why cant it just be called a big whip or big twist


Steel Member
big whip sounds stupid as hell. Half cab whip, people will acutally know what youre talking about. By your description, that would be a fakie big whip anyways.
Actually a big flip is a varial flip and a 180, not a halfcab flip. Get your shit correct. I used to skate and i would know, because i could big flip...


ive never heard someone call it a big whip, and i dont want annoys me when people refer to a deckslide as a boardslide aswell .
lets keep that lingo with the skateboarders


Steel Member
Actually a big flip is a varial flip and a 180, not a halfcab flip. Get your shit correct. I used to skate and i would know, because i could big flip...

when the hell did anyone in this thread mention bigFLIPS? If you were talking to me, I am aware of what a bigspin is. And you said that a HALF CAB whip should also be called a bigwhip. It would be a FAKIE bigwhip if we supposed thats what it were called, because bigSPINS aren't done in fakie. Fakie bigspins are what theyre called. So therefore, the trick you described would be a fakie bigwhip

EDIT: For the record, I skate too. So get your crap straight


Silver Member
ive never heard someone call it a big whip, and i dont want annoys me when people refer to a deckslide as a boardslide aswell .
lets keep that lingo with the skateboarders

Wtf who calls it deck slides?

brian amato

Wow there is so much stupidity in here.
Let me start out by saying that maybe if you READ earlier posts you would realize big flips were mentioned in the topic post as in, Parker AZ's first post in here.
Then I realized how wrong you were about big flips. It's not a kickflip half cab.
To make it worse, I almost got relieved when I saw that someone tried to correct you, Parker, but he was wrong too. A bigflip is basically a bigspin with a kickflip. Like, a 360 flip but you spin your body in the direction of the spin of your board..
But this isn't a skateboarding forum, so we shouldn't be too worried about stuff like that, and we ride scooters, not skateboards, so why name a trick after something in their sport? It's like how bmx gets pissed at us because we do the same grinds/almost every trick bikers do, but this would be even worse because we would be giving something that's completely different than a bigspin/bigflip, the same name. It's just... all fail.
Can't half cab tailwhips be called big whips. Because on a skateboard half cab kickflips are called big flips and half cab shuv-its are called big spins.
umm, half cab kickflips are called half cab flips. and a bigspin is a 360 shove it with a 180 body varial. a bigflip is a bigspin with a kickflip. so a 360 flip 180