Blunt/Envy AOS setup


Bronze member
So, I've got some 2012 stripper bars and some mgp forks, and I have been doing a paper round and now I have enough money to buy the rest of my setup. Im not sure about what deck, wheels and scs colors to get...

Blunt AOSv2 Max Peters Signature - Purple
Blunt 7 spokes Black on Purple
Apex SCS - Blue
(if I do this I'll spray my MGP forks blue)


Blunt AOSv2 Charles Padel signature - Black
Blunt 7 spokes Black on Purple
Apex SCS - Purple


Blunt AOSv2 Ludoic Pistat Signatue - Blue
Blunt 7 spokes Black on Blue
Apex SCS - Purple

Casey DeHaven

Steel Member
Correct me if i'm wrong but I don't think MGP forks will work on a AOSv2 because MGP headtubes are shorter than most, may need some spacers or a new fork =/


Bronze member
I tried putting them on my Grit Deck and they fitted fine with the headset cups so I think it will but if they don't I can sell them on and buy some new forks...


Bronze member
keep in mind the apex scs i roughly the size of a tilt, so your gonna have to cut your forks down quite a bit.
a good rule of thumb i learnt, was to put your forks on, then stick the apex shim on top of them, draw round the top of it, and cut that line, that should leave you with the perfect amount of fork to go in the scs.


Bronze member
well i think the second ones best, but like issac said, its all preference, the only differences are deck sizes and colors, so just get your favorite color scheme and the deck size your used to