BMX Videos Up In Hurrr

Josh Young

Super Moderator
Staff member
hahaha yea he does huge fucking 3's and he jumps off roofs. so yea he got on METAL. hahaha but i saw that sean burns is ridin for that new company ecalat or somethin. which is cool...... but i think its GAY!!!! sean burns is like the total image of metal bikes. haha


Well Eclat is just parts, but it's really weird cause they're all like plastic/weight weenie parts. Doesn't seem like his style, but he is gonna have some signature parts from them.

Josh Young

Super Moderator
Staff member
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. like profile or madera or somethin. i get ya. i though they were like full out parts. hahaha yea that is werid. i heard he was running one of them TINY 33t SPROCKETS!!!! hahahahhaha he said he was "testing them out" or somethin. hahah he said hes likes heavy parts bc they dont breaks as easy. and he said he gets afraid of jumpin off stuff when its over 12ft tall!!!! hahah bc then parts can snap in half!


Josh Young said:
Nick Granger said:
has anyone seen the new levi's video yet? im still looking around for it. im pretty sure it came out on wednesday

its not even on dvd yet. it was premiered but not put out yet....
oh haha. i heard something about people seeing it and i thought they meant it was out

Josh Young

Super Moderator
Staff member
that was sooooooo sick when they lit that lip on fire. hahhaha now im gonna make one of my BRO's do it at our trials


Drew Houstleton or however you spell it did a sick nasty smith to 360 up this hubba ledge at a benefit thing on Saturday, it was so gnarly. And he also half cabbed into a kicker that was like over bar height.


Steel Member
Nah, its def a dipped three, just one of ridicuous proportions. You can tell ita a 3 when the last bit looks like they are moving sidways.