
Yup, Rads they are. That's just when I painted 'em.

And the worst thing that ever happened with the death brake was ripped shorts and a ripped shirt. I don't believe I ever got cut by it, luckily. But that brake I had was so good, normally when you're going fakie and you tap the brake the wheel stops, not with this one. It could rub a bit and still be chill. Ahh yeah.
Mattie Brotzman said:
Alex Steezeman said:
Sorry brao!



That's so siiiiiiccckkkk.
wat wheels that?


bump... what are some of the ways that u guys make your spring harder, the bearing trick, and the nickles and stuff like that
Ryan Keong said:
cut down blade brake i cut it so my wheel would fit and it feels better
u dont have to do that, u can use a vice and hammer the brake till it stretches perfectly now my brake snuggles with my wheel, lol