britwist(bartwist back scooterflip) FLAT?

Scott Trainer

Super Moderator
Staff member
Not that I know of.
I made a thread like a year and a half ago asking if this was ever done before in general, everyone flamed me and said its not even a real trick. But that was sick, especially flat.

Kieran Mayhew

I've been trying to get them in airs. Harder than they look lol. Am I right in saying then that a Donoflip is a Front Britwist?

Oh and sooo sick btw!

Kieran Mayhew

Thats what I'm saying parrish. I'm pretty certain that's what Coedie had in mind when he created the "Donoflip".

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
Coedie's was a front britwist. Donoflip. When I called this a back donoflip I got flamed haha.

And guys, he JUST learned these yesterday.. I'm gonna film him an edit sooner or later. This kid learns a trick, and gets it flat two days later. It's insane.

Kieran Mayhew

Wtf, whereas I learnt Fingerwhips a year ago, and have been trying them flat since... gay.


Staff member
theres a difference between britwist and donoflip
if its a donoflip the bar doesent make a full 360, you do an x up, scooterflip, then it goes back the other way, but if its a britwist, it would start like a donoflip but when you brought the bar back around it would continue the way it started, so its basicly putting a scooterflip in the middle of a bartwist, whereas a donoflip it an x-up to to scooterflip and you wait to bring it around till the end, if that made any sense at all haha

Kieran Mayhew

No they are the same thing. If you go through it with your scooter it makes sense. Basically you do the one handed x-up thing, and because you are doing a scooterflip, the bars twist through your hands, like it would in a bartwist, and the when you pull the scooter back, the bars have done a full bartwist. It just doesn't seem like it because you don't concentrate on the bartwist at all.


Staff member
a donoflip is a backwards scooterflip basically
but you do a half bartwist at the end of a britwist, and on a donoflip you start out as a scooterflip and afterwords its an untwist instead of a bartwist


Super Moderator
Staff member
Dude when you do a dono your bars make a full spin. It isnt half then half back.

Kieran Mayhew

It's not though, Tom is right. It's a Donoflip because you do a scooterflip with the bars turned the other way, and when you do the scooter flip, it slips through your hands so that the bars go back to normal by doing a spin.

If they went out and then back in without twisting, that would just be a one handed inward bri.