Brock may


Bronze member
I lol'd at the picture. But I don't think Brock's trying to scam kids on the internet, doesn't really seem like his thing. Or maybe my vision of society is just really warped, who knows. Either way, I just want to play Conker's Bad GODDAMN FUR DAY


Well i think the "shirts" Were bullshit and never were gonna get made. he said that he was scammed about $600 so maybe he scammed everyone, knowing that they all think his so legit. So that he can get cash cause of what happened. just an idea.

The Batman

Steel Member
Staff member


Bronze member
HAhahahah, sooo tracking number? Or does it secretly not exist? If you scammed me you can just tell me dude, and if not you can just, you know, give me the tracking number.

Nick Griffin <3

Steel Member
hes just gonna keep scamming people then try to be funny about it. he doesnt give a fuck. your not getting your money or what you bought. neither is anyone who bought shirts, hes unlegit no matter how hard it is to believe.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
I guess I'll be the first to point out, there seams to be a subliminal message in the tags.
Free shirt for catching that :)

Brock you sadist fuck what are you doing lol?


Clearly his is a cock either way, it finds it as a joke instead of explain on what is going on or why. Your not gonna get your shit. now someone ban him. jesus


Bronze member
Yeah, wasn't very nice of him, but ban him? That shit doesn't matter dude, it's a damn scooter forum on the internet. None of the drama on here matters, half of us will never meet in real life. That won't be teaching him a "lesson" or sticking it to him, it's the internet. Sure, maybe strip him of his role as moderator because he's clearly not one to be a mod, but banning him won't do anything. Let him enjoy the forum if he wants, but other than that he should just be a regular user with a shady reputation.

Regardless, I disputed the transaction. Hopefully I get my money back. If not, well then fuck. Gotta be more careful from now on.


i don't think any of these mods can ban him, you would have to have a higher up mod than him.

I think....