Broken bone thread


I got hit in the mouth playing softball yesterday. Luckily I didnt break my jaw or lose any teeth, I think my retainer may have saved my teeth from getting knocked out. But my jaw is a little sore, 4 of my teeth are numb, and I have a nice bruise on the inside of my lower lip. First time in my life I've ever been spitting out blood.


Left Leg (fell off a ledge, I broke clean thru the tibia)
Both Arms (Left Arm broke the Radius, Right Arm broke the Ulna)
Left Ankle ( shattered it skateboarding,)

scott a

the only thing i did was fracture my tailbone i fell on a pointy rock rite on me ass nd i couldnt sit down for like a week and i couldnt like run or anything for like a month


i broke both arms at different times.but when i broke my right one i was skateboarding at skate barn and i fell and it sucked cause my bone was sticking out and my arm was all deformed and then i had to get surgery where they put pins in my arms i will post pics later they are pretyy rad
~My Injury Report~

1. i've broken my index finger twice
(the first time i smashed it in a window, the second time i smashed it in a car door)
2. And i cracked my head open on a swingset
(just a bunch of beastie cuts and stuff, never really broken a bone scootering


i broke my wrist 5 times, my collar bone 2 times, chipped a bone in my spine in hawai'i, messed up a couple of ribs(not sure if they broke)and i've had over 16 stitches


Steel Member
Tyler Bonner said:
Well, way back in the day i was playing scoot with a kid named steven who happened to dub whip the hip, i did it. then he whipped it wtf, and i looped out tried catching myself from falling by using my foot so i broke my leg and fractured my growth plate at the same time.
OMG :| I did pretty much the same thing. 'cept I broke the Tibia and Fibia(both shin bones) and almost shatterred my growth plate.. which I only found out 2 weeks or so ago. Shit, and by the way, we will both have problems with our feet when we're older. Apparently, breaking/Fracturing the growth plate is pretty serious, and it will delay the 'process' of the growth of it, making the bone also weaker, so the effects won't be as up to standard as they should be. Making our feet or leg or whatever grow pretty slowly, and will cause us alot of pain in the future.


shattered tibia and fibia have 2 rods down my leg.
ripped all the tendons out of my left elbow
broke alot of rib
snapped ankle
wrecked over spine and landed on my deck with my ankle, only sprained but i sttill have a huge lump from it. lol.
ripped all the skin off of my left arm. the docters thought i caught myself on fire. haha
and numerouse stitches all over the place.