This only happened to me once or twice, 98% of the time it was chill. But I skate now so no problamo.
And fuck ticket prices, back in my day it was $1.20 for a 2 hour concession.
Today? $1.80, smokes dicks.
when they do this, i literally have the pick up my fucking scooter and show them my headtube because they think i'm a smartass.they tell me " fold it up"
i answer " sorry it can't fold up"
they usually think im being a smartass and dont believe me and because of that they sometimes not let me on the bus.
fuck them.
This only happened to me once or twice, 98% of the time it was chill. But I skate now so no problamo.
And fuck ticket prices, back in my day it was $1.20 for a 2 hour concession.
Today? $1.80, smokes dicks.