C4 Scooters (LOCK)

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I'm riding Menlo tomorrow, I'll be there at 11:00 AM, then we can take the train and ride some other places. Who's up for this, James? Dom? Gino? Rayan? Connor?
Still can't. But go on AIM. Can my mom drop me off at your house before we go. Cuz its a long drive to menlo, and she said its better if I take the train with ya.


sam, your such a little immature piece of shit. who gives a fuck if your 5 minuets late. and idgaf if you live in a fucking mountain. learn to go do shit on your own before you come ride with me again. Btw, you complain about how much you suck. Guess why? you wont try anything new. I know that all i do is whips, but at least i do them over things. Before you brag about being good at ramps and bowls, you should learn how to ride them. And stop breaking your forks on purpose to make yourself look good.
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