Cheapest integrated deck


Silver Member
I need to know what the cheapest deck is and a headset combined. It also has to fit proto seniors.

issac p

Silver Member
v2i is the best deck on the market
you can file down the edges of the senior, and it will work just fine with any deck


Silver Member
Definitely not the best in the market but its the cheapest integrated. I guess you can say its the best bang for your buck


plus it balanced, flat sides and imo perfect dimesnions^^
but actually i think they blunt envy deck is integrated now, but that deck is ehh
The envy deck is like a kinda sronger, shortererer, not as sweet looking, district deck, the envy deck is more expensive than the district by like 50 dollars, a bit strong because of the neck and its welded through the bottom, but the district is really light, and really good for grinding, I perfer the district deck.