Check out my custom fork!!!!!!(new)

well it's just a prototype but these things are TANKS!!!!!!!!! and its not finished yet. Their will be a bigger piece of tubing welded on the skinny part part of the fork.
Ive had these for 4 months know and are still strong plus they are reinforced tell me what you think.


Steel Member
That's really nice. The legs might bend though cuz they're connected just by skinny bolts, maybe you should use like 7/16" bolts, but then the nuts would hit the bottom cup. Looks good though, where'd you find it?
they dont weigh to much and ive had them for 4 months know and they are going to get better. their will be a bigger piece of tubing over the skinny part .

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
Alright but I just took one of your threads out. You broke rules 1, 2, and 9.

Respect all riders, no cursing, and no profit avertising. Wstch yourself.


Dustin Nooner said:
Alright but I just took one of your threads out. You broke rules 1, 2, and 9.

Respect all riders, no cursing, and no profit avertising. Wstch yourself.
finally that rule is implied
could you guys stop taking my other page down and you can only use 100mm if you want 125mm i have to build a extended one witch i can