choping my xt


Steel Member
you could try using a differnet brake thats lighter

you could remove the stupid bolts that hold the neck tube on & get sum one to weld it indeed be lighter then the bolts & wont ever be loose

change the headset to a lighter threadless model

the forks i heard they bend so find so stronger light models inwards are light but i not 100% sure of xt forks weight

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
no they are very strong soa. id say go ahead and drill some holes. the mo fucka is like 5 inches thick anyways. one piece bars and take off the break. put on some plastic cores and get a new less steep headtube. drill the front of the headtube out. dont weld the headtube.


welding the head tube so u don't have bolts will hardly save any weight, none of these mods r worth it, u got an xt if u don't like the weight get a pro.


Steel Member
Jarrad Smith said:
weight freak much... ur also making everythin so much weaker
D= its sam!! said:
if you wanted a light scooter why the hell did you buy a xt? lol
rhys isnt a weight freak at all, he got an xt coz it wont break
he just wanted to take a slight bit of weight off so its a little easier to do whips and such.
if u've ridden an xt u'll know how hard it is to to whips on them
we were riding yesty and he had no problem riding it at all, super bri airs and almost front fingerflips
pretty impressive considering the weight