Clicking wheel


Bronze member
Hey this may sound a bit retarded but my wheel clicks when i ride. I dont think that it is ovalised because it doesnt rattle. What could it be?


Steel Member
WD40 does work but you have to soak your bearings and then dry them vigorously. It helps to just leave them on a towel for a day or two.


Steel Member
You sir ^ you need to clean out you're bearings with something that will dissolve oil and remove the dirt! Soak you're bearings in terpantine (however its spelled) mineral oil, or gasoline for a day or two, then leave them to dry.when they are dry you soak them in 3 IN 1 LUBRICANT. It its the exact same thing as speed creme, and doesn't destroy your bearings like wd 40... Wd40 only works for removing rust because it is thin enough to soak through the rusty parts


Steel Member
That's because it's to do with when your bearings are under pressure. I'm guessing it'll click louder when you're pumping ramps too.


Steel Member
My headset did this to me and it turned out one of the cages was cracked in like 3 check to see which wheel does it then replace the bearings in that wheel... Or just replace all your bearings and see if that helps


What's speed cream?? Sounds bad, i doubt bearings will last as long if you oil them. Unless they're different from skateboard ones.