Clips #4

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Jordan Jasa

Silver Member
Tommy Napolitan said:
Matt Andrus said:
Tommy Napolitan said:
umbrella flip? but i know Dan Barrett does them and Jesse does them sometimes (idk if on purpose though)

dan told me that he does a front scooterflip wehn he does them... i think

what!?!? thats got to look insane. but i know alot of people call them umbrela flips, so thats what i call them
he does at least one in transit...i always thought that they were weird whip front scooterflips.

Eric Magray

Steel Member
dans front scootyflip whips interchange between that and an umbrella flip depending on how the scooter goes. like dan doesnt decide whether its gonna be an umbrella flip or a front scooterflip whip. its just whatever happens happens.

Umbrella Flip is at the end, though the rest of the vid is good too :)

but anyway heres some killer combos to feast your eyes on:


sick tom!

anywayss, thoraway cause my life is gay, it was first try, i think there could be a better angle, showing the two turns i have to take.. and the fact i could prolly do someting into it or out of it
but the best part about it was that this skater was trying to do exactly that for a while, then i did it first try, lawl.

edit: holy fuckk youtube fucking rapes gnarly quality.
edit2: if some fucker posts clips right after this post i will be angry at them sealzing my comments.
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