Clips #4

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Matt Dibble

Staff member

Even at 2 in the morning vimeo has 100 minute wait time for converting....

Last trick - stopped to take a break and stuff because i cut open my knee really good on the sandpaper they call blacktop on the ground. When i started riding again I did a feeble, manny, then dub whip off the box... perfect. Landed so perfect i snapped my dropouts :) haha. The end of the trials for today.


that c-rail grind was gnarrr. dude was that westfield skatepark there? Place looks pretty damn big lol..

Matt Dibble

Staff member
thanks everyone, and to those who said "land it" and stuff, i have done it before. 3rd actual clip in my mini 4 is landing it... and last year i had whip and double whip out on that C rail, its like definitely top 5 in favorite things ive ridden its so fun idk why haha. thanks again guysss.
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