Clips #4

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bk, yours was obviously tons better, I was spinning less whipped ones but didnt land one before we had to leave. I was spinning hella slow tho, so next time Im going for a double whip out, haha. Its still good for me tho, as Ive never done a double whip air or a bri to whip off a launch.
Thats a whacked up briflip, I can do this standing on the floor. It might be the same thing as the first ever briflip clip posted by Brian cause that one was also barrelrolled, but I cant really tell because of the diffrent angle.

I tried one handed briflips the other day, and the rotation was a perfect barrel roll flip, but I stopped trying after a few times cause Ive almost hit my head, lol.

Matt Ogle

brandon kilbury said:

landed it after a bunch of tries and my brother decided to shut it off right as i land, i did ride away clean and all that junk..and BTW, I THINK EVERYONE NEEDS TO START USING THE CLIPS the same people always post clips

that was some natural bm brandon. soooo sick. and i would use the clips thread, but sadly me and dan always make new threads for 20 second videos :(

Dylan Kasson

Steel Member
stan that park is the flow skatepark its like 15 min away form here but they dont allow scooters they said my handlebars would break in half and stab me in the heart
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