Okay so today I was riding to a village square in San Jose CA (just in case you live near here and wanna meet up) and like I walked past some frozen yogurt store while holding my scooter. I was carrying a bunch of snacks. And there was a skater (probably 17, I'm 16) who started mocking me in public yekling things such as "scoot scoot, Scoot or die, scooter fag" all while I was no less than a few feet away from him. He was very aggressive and looked like he wanted to fight. I looked at him and replied a big sarcastic "YUUUUUUPPPP" and sat on a bench across the street from him. He kept watching my ass until I left. When I rode away he started cussing at me hella loud. What should i have done and what should I do next time? That's my sesh spot. And it's close as fuck to my house. Not the first time he's done something like this.