Yet all the sane people who think this is "debunked" and totally a whacky sci-fi joke are the one's who are so fast to call BS and have no interest in and open minded discussion.
look at the way you're talking, do you really thing a logical person could have a reasonable and open minded discussion with you? don't get mad when other people don't accept your ConspiRAZY theories when you can't even find a legit source of information that supports them. you talk about open minded as if being open minded means ignoring the obvious...
nibiru doesnt even exist, stop preaching doom to people.
The only person that clearly shows any means of frustration are you. I think you're mad.I would never sit here and use up any energy to MAKE you believe anything. All I've done is make notes of what I observed from the threads and explain my side of things from adams original point. I never said I agree with everything he said or the information he posted, but although I am sure he has a much better grip on his reality and wouldn't stress himself trying to make you believe anything . No one was really rude but you, and others following. And then I simply posted my interpretation of what truth is. This isn't a discussion, you've already made it clear you are right and I am wrong. And even said I should STOP. I never preached anything, you have no idea where I stand on the subject.
Reptillians is a stupid nickname. With a bunch of stupid myths.
Anunnaki were *aliens* that "worked" for the nefilim, nefilim came from Niburu. 2012?
Anunnaki were sent by the nefilim to creat mankind, and start the first civilizations on earth. (Sumerian, 5000 bc). Many of the Anunnaki where made into gods, and there is alot of stories of the gods, (Zu and shit).
And the thing about experiements gone wrong, haha, bs.
I read a book about this by an author call Zacheria Sitchin.
Called: The 12th planet.
Im no full believer, but yeah, just summing it up for you guys.
And i only know so much because i read the book.
so i dont study it or someshit.
You know, us crazy conspiracy theorists aren't even trying to impose anything. His (adam) posts were about his beliefs, not because he's stringing it to some crazy religion or some cult of nutjobs. He believes in god, god is in him as it is in all of us. And it was never to cause fear or discomfort to anyone's lives, he felt as if he was SPREADING AWARENESS. Which is the only thing someone can do if they feel the information is true. If you have a strong feeling something terrible will happen, do you prepare or wait to see if it's actually true to finally react? How much will it take for people to wake up from their dream about the world. And the last thread was locked because "we wanted to rub our stupidity in people's faces." Yet all the sane people who think this is "debunked" and totally a whacky sci-fi joke are the one's who are so fast to call BS and have no interest in and open minded discussion. You don't even know you all are lying to yourself. You know the truth is out there, you just don't care to find out. Trace it back to into your life, and really look at who you are. Or you can keep out of the truth and accept a false reality within a true realm.
the reptilian shit is fucked up