alright guys
hunter bechtle said:i want to be on the team watch my vids to see if i good enoungh
hpl13 said:so when we gonna start filming or send in all our film?
Andy Rhode said:ANDY RHODE. add it to the list nigga
Devon Garcia said:ok when do we send you unworthy footy and can i put it on vimeo with a password and tell you the password and you can download it?
Tyler Wheeland. said:im not gonna go film shitttt for this
im making an edit in like a month. can taht be my part?
cause i dont wanna go out of my way for this online team,
when i could just make myself something? lol
and if its good footage and the video isnt that good then i kinda wasted my footy? lol
that was in a non cocky way...
dam tyler u dont have to be so negativeTyler Wheeland. said:im not gonna go film shitttt for this
im making an edit in like a month. can taht be my part?
cause i dont wanna go out of my way for this online team,
when i could just make myself something? lol
and if its good footage and the video isnt that good then i kinda wasted my footy? lol
that was in a non cocky way...